Should you continue submitting your blog to indexes?
Is it worth to continue submitting your blog to indexes or directories? Once a blog achieves a certain PR (for example PR3 like this blog), that a question worth asking.
On the one hand, you want inbound links in order to increase your blogs ranking in the "eyes" of google. On the other hand, most of these blog directories or blog indexes, request that you link back to them in exchange for submitting. This can be tricky, especially if your posts appear on the homepage like on this blogspot blog.
You may end up linking to them from a PR3 webpage while they link back to your blog from a PR0 webpage. So, probably the best next steps to to try to improve your google PR without buying links, are:
1. Find blog directories that will link to you from PR3 or more webpages. That way you won't end up exchanging links with a low PR indexes.
2. Get inbound links without having to link back. This can be done by posting comments on high PR pages.
3. Be active in forums.
4. Post blogs on RSS feeds.